EYES TO SEE By Lori A Alicea

Ever wish there was a special pair of glasses that’d give you
Eyes to see
What God is doing behind the scenes of your life?

We’ve all had those days where we’ve longed to pull the curtain back exposing the hidden wonders God has waiting for us in the west wing of His appointed time.

There are those days our inner impatient child begs for even a small glimpse, a preview, a trailer or sneak peek into “what’s next” to calm the waters of our wondering; well, for at least a day; let’s be real.

But God is always up to something good; really good.

While there are no
Eyes to see
or earthly minds to conceive,
to articulate,
or even imagine
what God has prepared,
brace yourself to be overwhelmed.

What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived, the things God has prepared for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9 NIV

In the natural, I truly enjoy a good surprise.

I love imagining the thought behind those wrapped gifts chosen or made especially for me.

During both of my pregnancies, my baby’s genders were revealed at their birth. Nine months of ecstatic waiting was worth the mystery of the suspense.  Grant it, doctors didn’t order sonograms back in the stone-age like they do today.

Unlike my grandchildren or adult daughter who will pry out any information with a crowbar of begging related to their surprise, I muffle my ears to any revealing hints.

There are those days though during a long extended silence of God’s voice I find myself praying,


Give me eyes to see.

Lend me those special glasses that I might be able to trace your handprint, follow your intention and map out the direction of your heart concerning mine.


Illuminate the unknown.
Expose the hidden.
Unwrap the gift of “what’s next”.
Oh, that you’d allow my “wondering”
Eyes to see.
Ayva glasses 1
Jesus notices when we need
Eyes to see.

He cares when we doubt; when we tip-toe the line of unbelief.

Jesus noticed when His disciple Thomas also longed for eyes to see.

Doubting the resurrection, Thomas needed to see and touch the nail prints in His Savior’s hands first before he believed.

Jesus displayed his compassion to Thomas’ doubt with these words:

Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side.  Stop doubting and believe.”
John 20:27 NIV

But after allowing Thomas to touch the outstretched hands of his Lord,
Jesus in his amazing love encouraged Thomas and us to a higher place of trust with these words…

 …blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
John 20:29 NIV

God has given every one of his children
Eyes to see
When we look through the lenses of faith,
Believing for what we cannot see.

By putting on our special pair of glasses of faith,
There is confidence in what we hope for.
There is belief that God is faithful to His promises,
Faithful to His word.
Giving us perfect vision,
Giving us eyes of faith,
Giving us
Eyes to see.

 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for,
And assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 NIV