WE OVERCOME  By Lori A Alicea

We fall.
We break.
We fail.


We rise.
We heal.
We overcome.

We’ve all fallen at least once in our life, haven’t we?

Fallen when learning to walk.
Fallen off our bicycles as children.
Fallen in our attempts at trying a new “thing”.
Fallen in love.

In our attempts at “trying”, the risk of falling is always a possibility; the disclaimer buried in the fine print of trying reminds us so. But who reads the fine print anyways? Most just hit the accept button of risk and take their chances.

But the odds aren’t always in our favor and life happens.

We try…
We fall…
We break.


Bones break in our attempts to ride a bike,
Climb a mountain,
Run when we should have walked.

Confidences break in our attempts at success,
When we try a new idea,
Or launch a new business.

Hearts break in our attempts to love;
To be a friend,
To reach out; when no one reaches back.

Pride breaks in our personal fails when we try, when we risk.

But author and motivation speaker
John C Maxwell encourages the risk taker:

When it comes to taking risks,
I believe there are two kinds of people:
Those who don’t dare try new things,
And those who don’t dare miss them.

I must confess I’m the person that rarely dared to try new things for risk of failure.

I’ve played it safe for most of my life when my heart begged to leap, my arms fought to reach for that idea, my restless spirit risked the break, chance the fail to try.

I weep over all the opportunities I missed playing it safe.

My secret dared to tell on me, double-dog-dared me to step out of the safety zone into the batter’s box, to risk striking out for the chance I might just connect with the ball and hit my dreams right out of the park.

We all need to pick up the “pom poms” of our inner cheerleading squad,



And stir up the crowd of our own encouragement:

To fly, you must test your wings.


To find our confidences we must tell defeat who’s in charge.


Because IF….

We rise again…

We’ll heal again…

We’ll smile again and be confident to know…



We’ll overcome our fears.

We’ll overcome to ride again, run again, climb that mountain again, pursue those dreams again, love again…to try and risk the fall, chance the break and pride again.


Remembering and taking comfort in those who love us enough to catch us if we fall.


They’ll bandage up our hurts, our wounds, our heartbreaks,
Sending us on our way to rise, to heal,
To dare new things
To overcome.