IT HAPPENS!  By Lori A Alicea

It happens to the best of us.

You’re rushing around and trying to get out the door
When it happens.

Your morning is chaotic with kids and a busy schedule ahead
When it happens.

The day you’re not paying attention because your mind is elsewhere
When it happens.

When it’s been one of those days and
The little goofs in life beg to ask the question,
What in the world?”

Your grand-son shows up for school with different colored socks.
Your grand-daughter’s Sunday school teacher assumes your four year old dressed herself for church, which she didn’t.
When sitting at church with your legs stretched into the aisle and your husband is unable to contain his laughter at your faux pas.


Yes, it happens to the best of us.

Those unexpected gaffes that command a belly laugh at ourselves.

Life is short.
We might as well find humor in the funny, even at our personal expense. Because when we don’t, there’s someone to laugh in your place.

In our family, if you’re caught in life’s most embarrassing moments,

It’s a given you’ll be read the family friendly version
Of your Miranda Rights:

Anything you say (or do),
Can and will be used against you,
As long as it makes others laugh.

Funny stories are recorded in the family history books and brought back to life many times over.

Every year during little league season, our daughter thinks it’s hilarious when foul balls come close or even attempt to make contact with one of us adults in the stands.

Two games ago, a baseball hit the outfield fence and bounced directly over David’s head while walking to the field.  Candace witnessed the play and recounts for great enjoyment her season’s highlight thus far.

A “must see” will be when David or I fall back in our seats from a misguided ball coming our way.

2019 cumbee ethan baseball 6

2019 cumbee ethan baseball 15

My husband and daughter have each other’s telephone numbers on speed dial whenever a newsflash comes over the airwaves about me.

 Just this morning I found myself putting the dishes in the refrigerator and the milk in the cupboards and you might be asking, “What in the world? It happens.

The other day I texted David seriously thinking we got robbed when I couldn’t find our vacuum cleaner, for which I looked for thirty minutes to find; which in a two bedroom house, is a lot of looking.

It happened

When the lost vacuum is discovered misplaced in the bathroom closet, one of three I failed to open.


A thunder of laughter blared in my ear, as I answered the telephone with my husband on the other line.

I’m calling Candace, I’m calling Candace,” he kept repeating between breaths of amusement.

Yes, those two tag team each other at my expense.

But life is too short not to laugh.

Don’t you worry though, the family history books spare no one.

Mother’s Day a few years ago, it happens when the history books showcases our daughter who almost broke her ankle after losing control on her child’s scooter.

Encouraging her to “punch it” at full throttle down the sidewalk with children watching on, we laughed and laughed even harder each time re-living the scooter flying one way into the air and our daughter landing on the ground in the opposite direction.
USE Candace 1
Thankfully unhurt and not that our daughter found this remotely funny,


If you find it hard to laugh at yourself,
I would be happy to do it for you.
Groucho Marx

And we have, over and over again.
Punch it” ignites a visual every single time.

Family albums should be crammed full of sidesplitting stories.

Stories that children grow up and tell their children about life back in their day.

Hysterical stories that honor a loved one at their memorial,
stirring a smile in their telling.

God says it best…

A glad heart makes a happy face…
Proverbs 15:13 (NLV)

May our smiles reflect a happy heart the next time it happens.

Might we go through life remembering…

Always find a reason to laugh.
It may not add years to your life.
But will surely add life to your years.
Author Unknown

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Author Lori A Alicea and her beloved husband David of 29 years thank you for sharing a moment of your day with them at Apples of Gold Encouragement. It is their desire you experience their heart for family, love, encouragement and God through the words God has put on Lori’s heart to write. They are hopeful you discover a few treasures of encouragement, realizing we all share common threads in our lives. Be blessed in your day.

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