We’re all just passing through.


A piece of truth I didn’t give much thought to as a younger person only caught up in the moments before her, with no regard for the brevity of days, years and decades already determined before my life ever began.

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered – how fleeting my life is.
Psalms 39:4 NLT

Much older now and looking over my shoulder to the family and friends I have already said my heartfelt good-byes to; those ships of my loved ones who have left life’s harbors for the beautiful shores of heaven.

I now keep a closer watch and vigil of the sands of time that gather up my days, as our boarding passes they wait to be printed, with us continuing to live each day before God until our name is finally ship sail

You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand.
My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath.
Psalms 39:5 NLT

From cover to cover, the Bible records the generations passing through leading up to the life of Christ, mere ordinary people with human frailties, failures and victories God chose to use and accomplish His will.england journey walking on tree

A Hall of Faith records for our encouragement those who exemplified great faith with their ordinary lives…believing God when natural eyes failed to see.

Now faith is being sure of what we hoped for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1 NIVE20F61D7-17E6-44E9-856A-288148354B4B

By faith and under God’s command…

Noah built an ark for a flood nobody believed would come.

Abraham left his home not knowing where he was going.

Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son.

Moses left his life of privilege to lead the Israelite’s out of Egypt.

Rahab, a prostitute and in the lineage of Christ, helped the spies to conquer Jericho.

And many more were recorded to inspire our faith.

They were all just passing through.

And so are we… just passing through.path in woods

With God wanting to use our frailties, failures and victories to accomplish His will.

Standing here today, there are two generations already looking over their shoulder at me; maybe for wisdom, guidance, instruction, or history…or maybe not, at least for today.USE both girls looking back

But there will come a day when our family Bible is searched for the names passing through the generations before I was ever born and after, following the paths we’ve dug and paved for the generations we’d never meet, leading them to the life of Christ from the lives we each had lived.0FCF6B3F-084B-4EA8-8148-344DB23AD21C

Hence, is the reason I write.

It is for legacy and the generations I will never meet, that I write.

LEGACY; It is for Them That I Write.
By Lori A Alicea
(An excerpt)

The weight of passing on to our grandchildren (and beyond) a lasting heritage weighed heavy on our heart.E5EBDCB8-92F0-4A10-832F-F0CDD14D458F

We risked the next generation growing up without God if our lives didn’t reflect His image; if we failed to tell the generation in front of us the marvelous works and heavenly truths about their Creator.

One generation commends your works to another, they tell of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 NIV

Children and grandchildren are our arrows; arrows that leave the bow of a praying (parent / grandparent) and launched for a Kingdom pursuit that they might pierce the hearts of others for Jesus.lito and theia praying

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, are children born in one’s youth.
Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. Psalm 127:3-5 NIV

Hence, we grandparents are intent to do our part in living and leaving a life of legacy before them.

It is for inheritance;

It is for legacy.

It is for them that I write.

sephia photography of desk lamp lightened the gray typewriter on wooden table
Photo by Min An on

Part of their legacy are stories, their stories, memorializing the past; their history of a faithful God. That they not forget and lean on these truths when facing familiar mountains of hard times again.

It is for them that I write.

LEGACY; It is for Them That I Write.
By Lori A Alicea
(An excerpt ends)

We’re all just passing through.england rosalee kizzie 4

A mist, a vapor, a moment; a mere breath we are…

Whose only hope is in you.DB1BD086-A7C5-47BA-AC0B-C3488378F022

We are merely moving shadows,
And all our busy rushing ends in nothing.
We heap up wealth,
Not knowing who will spend it.
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in you.
Psalms 39:6-7 NLT

May the reasons I write record a good and faithful God from the stories and history I re-tell of my life and our family’s life alike.

May the generations I will never meet follow the path I dug and paved in hopes to lead them to the life of Christ.england journey walking on path